Home Opinion & Analysis Favour from God ought not be taken for granted

Favour from God ought not be taken for granted


TO become a prophet or priest is a special assignment from Jehovah God.

Hence, church founders must not dare exploit or abuse this for their own selfish benefits.

To reiterate, a prophet or priest is a messenger chosen by Yahweh to convey His message to people on earth.

Such a covenant with the Most High Jehovah is quite an exceptional favour. It is a divine show of heavenly benevolence.

This goodwill, compassion and kind-heartedness by the Supreme Ruler must never be taken advantage of. I repeat, don’t take Jehovah God for granted.

Such an honour bestowed by the Almighty comes with huge responsibility.

Remember – Jehovah God is the sovereign ruler. He can always turn stones into human beings if those that He tasked to do His work become rebellious.

Brethren, especially those that have been favoured to preach gospel while on earth, particularly prophets, priests, pastors or evangelists of Jehovah God must always fulfill His will or else they cease to be relevant in the book of life.

The demise of Lucifer attests to this True Gospel.

Satan once tried to do his own determination while in heaven before failing dismally. The result saw Lucifer being thrown down from heaven to become a disgraced angel.

He fell with a thud in his misguided ploy to defy The Almighty.

This, reader, can befall you too if you choose to be thick headed.

Jehovah God is not hungry whatsoever for an individual, who is running a church as his business.

Whilst the devil was the heavenly choir director serving the Most Supreme Ruler, along the way, he attempted to influence the entire choir of angels to rebel against the Sovereign Lord owing to the powers bestowed upon him.

Little did the devil and all blindly following angels know in a twinkle of Jehovah God’s eye, they would all find themselves down on earth.

This True Gospel is confirmed in the book of Revelation 12:9 of the New Living Translation.

It states, “This great dragon—the ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, the one deceiving the whole world—was thrown down to the earth with all his angels.”

Before falling from grace, the devil was anointed guardian cherub, and placed on the holy mountain of Jehovah God.

This is similarly to nowaday pastors, church founders, bishops, priests, prophets or evangelists doing own greedy things instead of the will of Jehovah God.

Ezekiel 28:14 supports this True Gospel: “I ordained and anointed you as the mighty angelic guardian. You had access to the holy mountain of God and walked among the stones of fire.”

What then happened to the devil? He thought he had more powers than his Creator before being punished and dismally humiliated.

As I write this True Gospel, the devil and all his angels thrown down to earth are waiting destruction by eternal fire.

So are those church founders, bishops, priests, evangelists, prophets, pastors, elders and deacons abusing the will of Jehovah God. They all risk desolation, demolition, dismantling, wrecking, ruination, shattering and blasting.

Yes, this True Gospel is deliberately targeting the above.

We are running a spiritual race to be won.

As a journalist or scribe born again in the things of Jehovah God – if I fail to write about this True Gospel, I will definitely be judged for not doing Jehovah God’s will.

I do not want to face Yahweh’s wrath over these issues. I would rather be hated and hurt by human beings rather than be punished by the Almighty Jehovah God Himself.

I am adamant in this resolve to write until you repent from your crooked ways.

Now, one wonders why the devil is manipulating the church today and why it has spiritually stooped so low.

The book of Ezekiel 28:15 of the New International Version, reads, “You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you.”

Don’t you know this covenant you have with Jehovah God has actually made yourselves very important persons (VIPs) in the spiritual realm that is accompanied by an unusual and distinctive gift of eternal life?

Why then decide to be rebellious like Lucifer? You had initially ran your race very well, but look what will happen to you, including church congregants following yourself blindly and those greedy bastards surrounding yourself?

False bishops, dubious priests, fake prophets, bogus pastors, controversial evangelists, questionable elders and shady deacons, change your ways right now.

Do so now while you have time, or else, you risk being thrown alongside the devil into that eternal furnace of fire.

According to Isaiah 55:6-7 of the English Standard Version reads: “Seek the LORD while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the LORD, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.”

To prove that Jehovah God can still forgive whatever sins you committed before, please brethren, read Isaiah 1:18 of the English Standard Version, which states: “Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.”

If you refuse to listen to this undiluted True Gospel, Jehovah God will plainly reject you before throwing all of you disobedient believers into the perpetual furnace of fire created for sinners who refuse to repent.

Jesus Christ confirms this True Gospel in the book of Matthew 7:23 of the New International Version“Then I will tell them plainly (false prophets, pastors, bishops and those blindly following), ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!”

Another good example is that of Samson, who Jehovah God chose, blessed and empowered, but he squandered the grace of God for most part of his life. Samson lived an unhappy, messed up life. Don’t take the grace of God for granted.

Judges 13:1-14 supports this True Gospel.

It’s always easy for us to take things for granted, and take people for granted, when they are there for us all the time.

Dear reader, look deep into your personal daily style. How many friends or loved ones have you taken for granted yet today you regret such actions after they walked out of your life?

Now, in this case, imagine Jehovah God completely walking out of your life? That is the least expected disgrace or dishonour.

Sadly most people tend to realise the value of the people surrounding them or special things in life only after losing all of them.

Don’t be like Lucifer, Samson, Moses, Jonah or King Saul, who encountered the wrath of Jehovah God.

Moses ran the race very well, but failed to reach the promised land. Joshua had to reach the final destination.

Jonah once tried to run away from Jehovah God’s mission to Nineveh and Tarshish, but he could not escape the divine mission.

Remember King Saul tried to disobey Jehovah God’s will, guess what happened? Jehovah God replaced him with a shepherd boy called king David.

I can go on and on but my message for you today, don’t take God’s grace for granted.

Finally, always remember the benefits of worshiping Jehovah God.

Whenever we praise and worship Jehovah God, we are guaranteed His immediate attention. When we worship Him, we must always be grateful for the good things that Yahweh has blessed us with.

Remember to be thankful to whatever good things Jehovah God so freely gives to us.

According to James 1:17 of the New International Version says: “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

So brethren, do not break this covenant with Jehovah God because it is a precious gift.

Those who believe in this True Gospel say amen!

Feedback, write to: Savious.Kwinika@cajnewsafrica.com, TWITTER, @SaviousKwinika, FACEBOOK, Savious-Parker Kwinika, INSTAGRAM: Savious_Parker_Kwinika